
We have learnt lots of lessons from this economic predicament – Ofori-Atta

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta expressed the government’s commitment to protecting the state budget by controlling spending and paying the right taxes.

He said the government should spend as much as it earns, as it has learned many lessons from this economic predicament. In an exclusive interview with Joy Business, George Wiafe, Mr. Ofori-Atta said the government was doing the right thing and was on the right track when it came to managing the country’s finances.

He said, “You have to bring the community across the Jordan River. That’s what I [Ken Ofori-Atta] would do regardless of the difficulty. But we are confident that we are doing the right thing and on the right track.” “The real question is yes, we hope to get the approval of the board (IMF leaders) soon, but what can we learn from this as a country?” he asked. He added that the state should do its duty to control spending, increase income and ensure that people spend as much as they earn.

“I think this is something the country needs to fight by protecting public money and understanding how to make sure we all pay our taxes and not waste public resources.”

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