Women’s street soccer teams changing the face of Brazilian football
A group of female soccer players in Brazil challenge stereotypes regarding the male-dominated sport.
Street Child United Brazil was founded after the 2014 Street Children’s World Championships. Years later, the team won the 2018 Street Children’s World Championships held in Russia and again in Qatar in the same year. 2022.
“And these are very dangerous places in Rio de Janeiro, so trying to find a place where the kids can relax, play football, that’s the idea. One of the things that came out of this was that, we were always there both boys and girls playing football Adam Reid, CEO of Street Child United Brazil said.
The victory over Qatar is a highlight in the career of the players who have changed the face of this football. “When they came to Qatar, I was happy. I told them – good luck in Qatar, you guys will win! I have to go but I’m too young.
I watched their game, I’m happy to see them playing. they win!” 14-year-old soccer player Geane de Almeida. The project coordinator says the project is helping to empower girls and influence a new generation.
“Thanks to football I changed my life, I changed my plans for my future, when I was sure that I could achieve impossible dreams, things I never thought I would. I can achieve. Thanks to football, I feel strong and I see that I am really strong,” added Claudianny Santos, also known as the coordinator and coach of the Drika project.
The team plays on a football field located in one of Rio de Janeiro’s most dangerous communities, the Complexo da Penha slum.